Thursday, April 9, 2020

COVID-19: Evidence that you probably already had it

With new science reports coming out these past two weeks that the prediction models were over-stated, I thought it might be useful to update you guys on a few other things that you might want to keep in mind:

1.     The total number of COVID-19 cases is grossly underestimated. This is because 80% or more of the cases have mild to moderate disease or no symptoms at all and so they aren’t able to count them in the total number of cases. Even Fauci supported this concept as published in the New England Journal of Medicine from March 26th: “If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza.”
2.     The data presented in the report from the WHO–China Joint Mission on COVID-19, also states that 80% of the 55,924 patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 in China to Feb 20, 2020, had mild-to-moderate disease, including both non-pneumonia and pneumonia cases, while 13.8% developed severe disease and 6.1% developed to a critical stage requiring intensive care. When this fact is taken into consideration, the estimated overall infection fatality ratio for China was 0.66%, with an increasing profile with age…LANCET Infectious Disease, Verity et al, Published March 30th.
3.     All scientific reports I have read state that the virus is highly contagious, has an incubation period of up to 3 weeks before symptoms show up, and over 80% of the population have mild disease. The first case in the U.S. was documented in early January. That was 4 months ago. So then, it stands to reason that we are likely all exposed already and have fought it off successfully with our own immune systems. This scientific data should drive a proposal allowing release of all under the age of 65 who are at low risk of death and continue to quarantine those over 65 who are at higher risk of death.
4.     Every week I have calculated the fatality rate in Texas. It has been between 1.2 and 1.5 percent, even now when testing is not limited which means “deaths by COVID-19” are fairly accurate. Today the fatality rate to COVID-19 in Texas is 1.9% (199 deaths out of 10,230 confirmed cases). This is off the Texas COVID-19 dashboard. This number is likely to rise as these tracked cases succumb to the infection. But keep in mind that the total number of cases is grossly underestimated because 80% of us had mild or symptom-free infection and never got tested. Which means that the fatality rate has nowhere to go but DOWN, once they figure out how many of us are already infected but were not hospitalized.
5.     Fatality rates of flu in the U.S. are 0.1% (number of deaths to flu divided by number of cases of flu) in the last decade because the development of vaccines to the flu have reduced the number of severe cases. In 2009 when this strain of flu emerged and before there were any vaccines, there were at least 12,469 deaths in the U.S. to this virus. I say “at least” because we didn’t do as good of a job reporting cause of death then as we do now. Even with vaccination, flu continues to cause 7.1% of all deaths in the U.S. This is from FluView at the CDC website.
6.     The CDC is now reporting two different graphs. One is the cumulative report, which simply means that once you are counted as a case on a particular day, you get counted as a case for every day after that, even once you recover. This is the frightening graph, because that number continues to rise. The second is the episode report, which means you are only counted on the day that you are diagnosed. THIS IS THE ONE TO WATCH. We are waiting to see NEW cases decrease which will tell us that the peak has been reached. Here's the graph from yesterday.

7.     The CDC has also expanded the “gray box” I talked about on this graph to 10 days now, rather than 4. This was done because the original testing platform took up to 7 days to get the report back. The newer testing kits are substantially faster, but there is still a considerable lag, for reasons I don’t have time to figure out unless there is a lot of interest from you guys for me to read up on that.
8.     Models are just models. The guys who came up with the models for how many people will be infected, how many will die and when the peaks will be are arguing about which models are most reliable. We need to remember that these models rely on some data that is their “best guess”. What happened with the Imperial study was that the team had estimated a range of 2.2 million to 20,000 deaths in the U.S. That’s a big range, but decisions were based on the higher number which is why we are all sitting at home through the month of April right now. As more case data is gathered, the models will be modified and the number will come down because these early models were not accurate. Not by a long shot. There are two other models that have emerged now, with different predictions, and I can’t keep up. The fact is, there are so many variables to take into consideration for these models, there is no way that one model fits all situations. That’s why decisions shouldn’t be made on models. Particularly models trying to fit data that doesn’t exist. Like data on a new virus.
9.     In my post on March 22nd, I stated that the peak looked like it was on March 9th. That was an error for a few reasons. One, the number of tests were limited at that time, so there were only a certain number of tests that could be done per day. This would result in an artificial peak. Two, the time to get the results was at least 10 days in early March. This too would contribute to an artificial peak. Testing is now unlimited for the most part, but the reported results are still showing delay, probably related to the fact that too many people are getting tested who actually don’t have it. In fact, 90% of those getting tested in the US are negative. And we are only testing about 0.3% of the U.S. population. Meanwhile, unemployment is at 13% of the US population and the peak of new cases has been reached. Even in New York.
10.  A note on closing schools. CDC recommendations during Swine Flu in 2009: “School closure is not advised for a suspected or confirmed case of novel influenza A (H1N1) and, in general, is not advised unless there is a magnitude of faculty or student absenteeism that interferes with the school’s ability to function.”  CDC recommendations for COVID-19: “Available modeling data indicate that early, short to medium closures do not impact the epi curve of COVID-19 or available health care measures (e.g., hospitalizations). There may be some impact of much longer closures (8 weeks, 20 weeks) further into community spread, but that modelling also shows that other mitigation efforts (e.g., handwashing, home isolation) have more impact on both spread of disease and health care measures. In other countries, those places who closed school (e.g., Hong Kong) have not had more success in reducing spread than those that did not (e.g., Singapore).” Keep in mind that 60% of those infected with the H1N1 swine flu virus were under the age of 18, but that less than 5% of those infected with COVID-19 are under the age of 19, less than 1% of those were hospitalized, none of those have been in the ICU and none have died. Thus, it is unlikely that closing schools will impact the spread of COVID-19, according to The Lancet and The New York Times. Also keep in mind that the incidence of hospitalization among those under 18 is so small, even the clinical trials to treat COVID-19 won’t take patients under 18. Keep in mind these numbers may change as the case numbers increase, but are unlikely to change our basic understanding that those over 65 are at much higher risk of death than those under 65.
11.  I still can’t find the total number of ICU beds in the U.S. and how many of them are currently occupied by COVID-19 cases. This is an important piece of data to find, because we are being told that ICU beds are going to run short and the media has a tendency to feed on panic and hysteria. Example. CBS in the Morning reported that New York hospitals were overrun by COVID-19 cases. To substantiate that, the backdrop to the journalist giving this report was a heavily crowded hospital ward. Very grim. Turns out this backdrop was NOT a New York hospital! It was an overrun hospital from Italy. Birx stated they still have plenty of beds in New York (and ventillators), but I was hoping to get a more objective data source on that.
12.  Hydrochloroquine (HCQ). FOUR clinical trials have started to test this drug worldwide, ONE of which is in the US and sponsored by the National Institutes of Health. Also, the FDA approved use of that to treat COVID-19, and they are sticklers about that sort of thing. So now you have two massive federal institutions in the US (NIH and FDA) backing its use. The World Health Organization also has a trial of HCQ underway, so it’s not just us. That’s pretty amazing, considering so many “experts” are telling us that it won’t work, and yet they are still sanctioning these very expensive trials. 

     Thirty countries are currently using HCQ to treat advanced cases of COVID-19. The “experts” say the data is based on uncontrolled trials with small numbers of subjects. True. But I’ll bet the 20 treated patients in the Gautret trial who walked out of the hospital virus free because they got HCQ weren’t complaining.  Oh, and the trials are excluding subjects under 18 years old because there aren’t enough of them that are sick and hospitalized to include in the study. Yes, it’s an old drug. Yes, it’s used to treat malaria. Yes, there are fewer cases of COVID-19 in Africa probably because this population is highly treated with HCQ to prevent malaria.

And before you ask, yes, the death rate is higher in Africa for those who are positive because their health care system sucks and their population will go to hospitals only as a last resort. How long will it take to get the results? Probably July. The other NIH sponsored trial is with Remdesivir, an antiviral drug.
13.  Caution: Continue to follow the CDC guidelines for how to operate. Wash your hands because soap and water for 20 seconds kills the virus. Yes, there are other ways to spread it including talking because the virus hides in your spit (gross). But the main cause of spread is still by contact. So stay home when you are sick so you don’t infect anyone else. Do not visit those at high risk because you could be carrying the virus (but have fought it successfully with your good immune system and you probably didn’t even know you had it!). Hug those living with you often and watch for signs of depression. Americans do not cope well with being told what they can do and where they can go and over 16 million of us are now without jobs.
14.  One aside. The Corporation of Public Broadcasting is a federal program that provides support for radio and TV stations such as NPR and PBS. Given that information, you would think they would air the daily coronavirus update from the White House on NPR, their main radio station that is federally funded. They do not. When you follow the NPR link to the daily coronavirus update from the White House, what you get is a news article interpreting what was said during the report rather than the report itself. Not even a separate link to the video briefing. YouTube is hosting the daily reports in full so Americans can decide for themselves what to take away from these briefings. Why is the federal government funding an agency that refuses to air the president’s briefings?

Lancet Infectious Disease Article

New York Post article talking about how COVID-19 death rates are lower than model predictions

Fauci’s article in NEJM:

Nice explanation of the grossly over-estimated death rates:

Dashboard to Texas cases:

School recommendations by CDC in response to COVID-19

NY Times article on school closings

Lancet article on lack of evidence that school closings are useful to stop COVID spread

Clinical Trial summary on HCQ

Report on misleading news by CBS in the Morning

Sunday, March 22, 2020

COVID-19: Things to consider before you panic.

With China showing no new cases over the weekend, I thought it might be useful to go through a few things so you can continue living free of panic. I've spent a huge amount of time reading lots of actual science and CDC reports to get these nuggets in one spot for you, so if you have any additional questions, please let me know. I put a few of the articles below the list if you want to read for yourselves. Things to keep in mind:

1.     Pandemic just means the condition is world-wide. So even though COVID-19 is a pandemic, so are ALLERGIES, for example. “Epidemic” is a title that is more reflective of a deadly condition. A death rate of 7.3% defines a condition as “epidemic”. Flu falls just short of this at 7.1% this year. Global death rate of COVID-19 is 4.1%. USA death rate of COVID-19? 1.4%.
2.     The Peak of Disease in the USA still looks like it was on March 9th, according to the CDC reports of CONFIRMED CASES. This was 3 weeks after the first cases appeared, which reflects the 14 day incubation period. We are now further out than that by nearly 2 more weeks. Continue to be careful that you aren’t reading information on websites or the news that are using estimates because they make the data look like it’s still rising when the reported cases to the government (which hospitals are required to report) do not support that.
3.     More than 80% of the cases reported in China were MILD. This is the same observation made here. It probably also speaks to the likelihood that most of us have already been infected, just never showed signs that were concerning.
4.     In the USA, 508 people are sick enough to be hospitalized right now. So while there are over 15,000 cases UNCONFIRMED to date in the USA, that means around 3% of people showing symptoms are ending up in the hospital.
5.     There are nearly nine thousand beds in intensive care units in Texas ALONE. So even if all 508 COVID-19 patients hospitalized right now in the USA were here in Texas, we would not be overrun.
6.     Of those ending up in the hospital, 80% of the deaths are in people older than 65 WITH UNDERLYING MEDICAL CONDITIONS. These are the folks that need to stay home without question and you should not go visit them because it puts them at risk.
7.     Population density plays a huge role in the spread. High density populations can expect higher spread. Korea, China and Italy have some of the highest population densities in the world. Korea is at 1,366 people per square mile. Italy is at 532 people per square mile. China is at 397 people per square mile. In the Wuhan Providence where the virus originated, it’s 3,200 people per square mile. In the USA? 94 people per square mile. The range is large however, as in New York, it’s 28,000 people per square mile. No wonder the virus spread so fast there.
8.     The first clinical trial is active already. There are 4 drugs being considered and early reports indicate they are working. One of them, Chloroquine, is a tablet that people who are traveling to places where malaria is prevalent take to prevent infection. It’s a pill they take once a week. Chloroquine changes the ability of the young malaria parasites to digest food properly, and so they die. Researchers showed last week that chloroquine stops the Coronavirus from thriving in the cells they were infecting and stops the Coronavirus from infecting new cells. This was NOT done in animals or humans, but in a cell line. Still, the results are promising enough that major pharmaceutical companies are donating their Chloroquine stocks to the government for use in patients fighting COVID-19.
9.     Limitation: Testing is still not wide-spread, so the confirmed cases may be low. However, as over 80% of those with the virus probably don’t even realize they had it, there is no way to get a true estimate of who was infected. It is likely then that the death rate is even lower than what I calculated above.
10.  Caution: Continue to follow the CDC guidelines for how to operate. Wash your hands because soap and water for 20 seconds kills the virus. Stay home when you are sick so you don’t infect anyone else. Do not visit those at high risk because you could be carrying the virus (but are fighting it successfully with your good immune system and you probably didn’t even know you had it!). Hug those living with you often.

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report on COVID-19

The in vitro data that prompted USA off-label use of Chloroquine and H-Chloroquine

Details of the 4 drugs in the Solidarity Trial by WHO

Friday, March 20, 2020

COVID-19: how to get the CONFIRMED case numbers

I have been using the CDC to get information on COVID-1919, because the CDC reports confirmed cases, NOT ESTIMATES. I highly recommend you do the same, but the website can be somewhat intimidating for those note familiar with it. I normally use this website to get information related to my career as an Immunologist, so I am very familiar with it. So I thought it might be useful to give you a step-by-step on how I get my information on COVID-19 from the CDC website.

Step 1: go to

Step 2: Click on “Learn more about COVID-19” which is the light blue button to the right of the virus picture. There are many things that you can read about here, such as symptoms and current living guidelines. But I generally like to stick to the numbers, such as current number of confirmed COVID-19 cases, NOT ESTIMATES as that tends to be inaccurate.

Step 3: So for that type of information, I have 3 choices. I can either view USA cases per day, certain state cases per day, or details per state.

Once you get to the “Learn more about COVID-19” page from Step 2 above, scroll down to see the USA map which is color coded per state for ranges of confirmed cases. The “Latest Updates” list of links if very informative, but the link we are looking for to stick with our goal is not there. Just above the map, click on the link that says “Cases in U.S.”

Step 4: You will now be taken to your control center, which looks like this. The first thing you will see at the bottom of your screen in light blue is the “COVID-19: U.S. at a Glance*” and it will freak you out because the number of total cases is huge. In this screenshot, that was 10,442. Keep in mind this is the ESTIMATED NUMBER not the confirmed number and is consistently about 5 times larger than the actual CONFIRMED CASE number. Also keep in mind that the testing kits are still limited and that's why these two numbers (estimated and confirmed cases) are so different. The confirmed number of deaths is below that. In this screenshot, that was 150.

Step 5: Continue scrolling and you will find the same map you saw at Step 3, but this time, if you put your arrow over the state you are interested in BUT DON’T CLICK (JUST HOVER OVER IT), it gives you the current number of cases for that state (it also tells you what state it is, in case you don’t know your geography very well).

If you are interested in details about a particular state, you can get that by clicking on the state you are interested in. You will then be sent to the state’s individual “CDC-like” institution to get additional information such as what counties are reporting positive cases.

Step 6: If you want total number of CONFIRMED cases in the U.S., you scroll a bit further to get to the graph below. In the title of this graph is the current number of U.S. CONFIRMED CASES time and date stamped so you know how current it is. For the snapshot I took below, the total CONFIRMED CASES on March 18th at 4PM Eastern Time (ET) was 1,891.

You can also hover over each bar for the total number of cases reported for any particular day. One note on this CONFIRMED CASE number. The CDC updates the numbers per day as the states/counties report them. So even though the below graph looks like the last 4 days have declining CONFIRMED CASE numbers, it is more likely that all states/counties have not reported them yet on these last 4 days. They have those dates shaded out with a note on the graph that says “Illnesses that began during this time may not yet be reported”.

Step 7: Do NOT panic. As a country, we have not ignored this new virus, but are instead facing it with a unified goal to slow the peak of infection so that our hospitals are not overrun by those who are most susceptible to it (those over 65 with underlying health conditions). This is a much more responsible approach and should slow the peak of infection. Stay safe out there. Pray for our medical teams as they stand in the battle field for our loved ones. Pray that we will continue to have the necessary supply of medications to treat their respiratory illness. Pray for those who have the flu, that they will not be left behind as their death rate is 3-times more likely than those infected with this coronavirus.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

GREAT LOVE for us: Advent Week 4 the YNP edition

The cold air stung my throat with each breath, but I barely noticed. The wolves had just woken up and were playing out in the sage. I had spent countless hours reading about this wolf pack, looking at pictures of them, and watching YouTube videos about them. But seeing them with my own eyes out there in the wild—well, I just couldn’t believe it!

Lamar Valley
 And then I saw her. F926, the female leader (alpha) of the Lamar Valley wolf pack. I sucked in my breath and couldn’t even move! There she was right in plain sight and I could feel my heart thudding under my thick layers of clothing.
F926, taken by Kathy Rowland.
My husband Vern was grinning ear to ear as he set up the scope and focused in on the wolf pack. The kids were standing with eyes popping out of their heads with excitement. We all knew that if we could see them this good with the naked eye, seeing them with the scope was going to rock our worlds!

Vern knew that I had a “thing” for F926, and so he had carefully focused in on her. I’m not sure what it is about her that attracts me. Perhaps the fact that she is the daughter of the famous F832 alpha female that could take down bull elk without any help. Perhaps it was that she had endured the deaths of 3 mates and 2 litters of pups in just under 18 months and continued to show a fierce drive to live.

Or maybe what really fascinated me was the notch in her right ear that clearly had a story behind it that nobody could tell. Perhaps it had happened in that fight they had with the 12 wolves from the Prospect Peak a few years back when her mate, M925 had acted as a decoy so she could escape. He didn’t survive the attack.

I lowered my eye to the optical, hands shaking with excitement.

She looked incredibly wild. The sun was just rising and it caught the rusty brown highlights in her dark brown fur as she pointed her nose into the wind for a good sniff. Even from this distance, you could see her green eyes dancing as the sun greeted her face. Then she effortlessly turned and trotted towards the elk herd nearby, the rest of the pack following loosely behind.

F926 to the left of the elk
I knew we would all be content to stay there at the Jackson Overlook for the next few hours, despite the cold temperatures. Just being near the wolves was thrilling and we wanted to have that feeling for as long as we could.

I imagine that is how we are meant to feel about being with Jesus. That we are so thrilled and content being in His presence that we don’t ever want to leave.

Did you know that Jesus feels the same way about us? He wants to be with each one of us so badly that He became human and sacrificed His life so we could be together for eternity. There is no greater love than that. (John 15:13)

Family time.
1. Play a game. Have you ever heard the phrase “I love you to the moon and back”? Make up a new phrase that tells how much you love your family.
2.  At some time in your life, you have experienced excitement at seeing someone or something. Share with the family about that. Why were you so excited about it? Is there anything that could’ve made that experience even more exciting?
3. Seeing and holding a baby is very exciting, particularly for the parents and family. But unlike other babies, Joseph and Mary and many others (the shepherds, the wisemen) knew exactly why Jesus had been born. How do you think that changed their excitement? Is it possible to have that kind of excitement for a normal human baby? Why or why not?
4. Read Revelation 1:7. Who will see Jesus when He comes back to earth? This verse says that some who see Him coming back to earth will be sad. Who do you think will be sad and why? Will you be sad when you see Jesus again? Why or why not?
5. We could only see the wolves from a distance, but when we see Jesus in eternity, He will be so close that we will be able to touch Him and talk to Him. What do you think that will be like? How is that going to be different from our experience with the Lamar Valley wolf pack?

LOVE for the hunted: Advent Week 3 the YNP edition

They were coming for her. She knew it in the very pit of her stomach. She needed a plan. There were few choices since the snow in their valley was so deep that one wrong step would find her covered to the ears in it. And then they would have her and any of those who followed her.

The thought of being hunted didn’t scare The White Lady of the Canyon Wolf pack. They had fought with the Mollies pack before who were giants in comparison to her small band of followers. The Mollies were bloodthirsty, ruthless, and constantly out to expand their territory.
White Lady

The slight winter wind lifted the blazing white fur on her back that matched the white of the newly fallen snow.  She lifted her nose in a defiant howl that would call her family to her side to fight again for their very existence. The giant Mollies rushed down from the hilltop above, their prey in sight.

“Wake up!” the angel shook Joseph awake with quick instructions to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt.

For they were being hunted.

First, by the magi. The wise men from the east. These hunters followed the star to Bethlehem so that they could worship the Christ child and give Him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

But the second hunter was not interested in worshipping the Christ child. No, King Herod wanted to hunt Jesus down and kill Him. That’s why the angel called on Joseph to take Mary and Jesus to Egypt. But King Herod did not know who Jesus was, only the general area in which Jesus had been born. So he had all of the baby boys under the age of 3 killed in Bethlehem and the surrounding area. Just to be sure his prey had not escaped.  

But they had escaped. After the angel had left, Joseph got up and stood over Mary and the tiny baby Jesus. Joseph was just a simple carpenter from a small village. But his giant heart and his never-ending courage would give him the resolve to do whatever it took to protect his family. And so, as the angel instructed, Joseph would take Jesus and Mary to Egypt where they would be safe.

Wolves do not know a “safe” place. Even in Yellowstone, the wolf packs hunt each other to gain more territory, just as the Mollies had done time and time again with The White Lady’s pack.

But the wolves are not just hunted by other packs.

They are hunted by humans.

We had been so excited that we might see The White Lady of the Canyon Wolf pack on our trip to Yellowstone. For many years, visitors from all over the world had gone to the park just to catch just a glimpse of her. Anyone who posted pictures or stories about her on the internet would experience an immediate following of countless fans. She was unusual because her coat was completely white and she led her pack with such strength against incredible odds.

But we would not get to see her. You see, one month before we arrived in Yellowstone, hikers in the park would find her barely alive from a lethal gunshot wound.

Man had seen The White Lady of the Canyon Wolf pack as prey to be hunted rather than protected.

Family Time 

1.     Play a game. For this one, the house must be dark and everyone needs a flashlight. Pick one person to hide and give them a few moments to go hide. The rest of you split up and try to find the person hiding. Use your flashlights to look for them. All of you can stay together, or split up to find the “it”. If you decide to split up, make sure you alert the others to come where you found the person who was “it”. Talk about how this game feels so much different from the first week’s game we played where you all squished into the same space when you found the “it”.
2.     There are a lot of different ways that we can feel “hunted”. One example is when someone keeps an eye on you hoping you will make a mistake so they can get you in trouble. Jesus experienced this a lot during His time on earth. What are some other ways that we can feel like we are being hunted?
3.     Has there ever been a time when you protected someone? How did that make you feel? How do you think Joseph felt taking his family to Egypt? Do you think the fact that his job was to protect Jesus the Son of God made it easier or harder? Why?
4.     Read Matthew 12:14. Why do you think the Pharisees wanted Jesus dead? How do the Pharisees remind you of the Mollies Wolf pack from our story?

5.     Sometimes we can see the qualities of Jesus in other people—particularly those who are Christians. However, we can also see qualities of Jesus in nature. How does the she-wolf called “The White Lady” remind us of Jesus?