Thursday, April 11, 2013

Can't make me shut up

Now, you first have to appreciate that I have presented in front of 500 plus scientists at a time.  Lectured to over 100 post-grad students in one sitting, taught 60 plus 5th and 6th graders a few times, and wrangled a class room of pre-schoolers for ten years before that. 

But nothing made me sweat quite like the presentation I made this morning.

That's how I knew it was from God.  Because Nancy would never have thought this one up.

I had bought a big bag of chocolates to take to work today.  You see, today marks the one year anniversary that I am cancer free.  On this day one year ago, Dr. Leitch at UT Southwestern removed a grade 1 breast cancer with clean margins and no lymph node involvement.  It was a great day, and I wanted to pass out multitudes of chocolates at work today to celebrate.

I'm still going to do that.

But God took it that one crazy step further and suggested in my heart that I do the same thing on the DART bus this morning.  And on the train.  And on the shuttle across campus. 

So I did.

"Can I have your attention please?"  I croaked out as I stood up on the DART bus.  "Today, I am one year cancer free, and I just want to invite you to have a chocolate and remember the sweetness of Jesus' grace and mercy on me today."

They all clapped, and the bag of chocolates started going around the bus.

The lady in front of me is cancer free 9 years.  The lady beside me said a prayer over me.  The man behind me and the man in front of me thanked me for sharing.  Several said that I had made their day.

You see, people crave to hear good news.  And this morning, God used me to give them some.

So do not fear, for I am with you.  Do not be dismayed, for I am our God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.  Isaiah 41:10

He has lifted me up, and I am compelled to lift my life up to Him.

Satan stands in the wings trying to convince me otherwise.

But I am a cancer survivor.  And he can't make me shut up about the greatness of God.


  1. Awesome, put tears in my eyes! love you Nance!

  2. Me to tears, Nancy I saw you in a store, did not know about the cancer. I'm greatful for your cancer free diagnosis. Bless you for doing what God put on your heart today!! Linda Smith

  3. You are so precious and I love you and your heart! May God continue to use His grace in your life to make much of His glory! :)

  4. Thanks, you guys! God is good! And I gave out 5 pounds of chocolate in one day! -ng
