Thursday, August 15, 2013

Living by Numbers

This morning, I sit here at peace.  It is an interesting sensation for me, and I cherish those moments when they happen.  My mammogram came back clean less than 48 hours ago, and I am tucked safely under the wing of My Jesus like a newborn chick.  Ahhh...that feels so good!

I had myself worked up pretty good about that mammogram, let me tell you.  It was exhausting to be that worked up!  I've been running around just like a baby chick, squawking and flapping my wings.

I was focusing on the wrong number.

You see, I have a 99 percent chance of that breast cancer NOT coming back.

But I focus on the less than 1 percent chance that it MIGHT come back.

Gideon lived by numbers too.  His story is tucked in the book of Judges, I forget where.  Gideon was about to go into battle, but he asked for a sign from God that it was the right thing to do.  He got his sign.

Then he asked for a second sign.

Crazy guy.  But you have to admire him for being secure enough in his relationship with the Lord that he asked for a second sign.

And His Heavenly Father, who pours abundant grace on all of us, gave Gideon his second sign too.

And Gideon kicked serious Midianite tail.

But not until The Lord did something exceptional with numbers for Gideon.  God was about to steal the show.

You see, Gideon was going to take twelve thousand men into battle, but God said that if he took that many into battle, they might think they were victorious because of their strength in numbers, and not give the glory to God.  So The Lord helped Gideon hand pick 300 men to go into battle.

Why 300?

In Hebrew, 300 is represented by the letter "shin".  This letter is shaped like a three-prong fork, or flame.  Which makes sense because "shin" represents the element of fire, or spirit.  It is the middle letter in Yeshua, the Hebrew word for Jesus. 

It is also the middle letter in the Hebrew word for Jerusalem.  In fact, the way the land is shaped in Jerusalem and the surrounding countryside looks like the letter "shin". So when you read that God chose Jerusalem as His holy city, well, that should make sense.  His spirit is right in the middle of its name and He carved Jerusalem into the letter "shin", just to be perfectly clear with us that Jerusalem was going to be His dwelling place.

Did you know the human heart is also shaped in the letter "shin"?  Yep.  So when you read that Jesus will live in our hearts, well, that makes sense too.  Because he carved your heart into the letter "shin", just to be perfectly clear with us that you heart is where He desires to live too. 

"Shin" also means 300.

So when Gideon defeated the Midianites with only 300 men, Gideon and his army were reminded the whole time that they won because "shin"--the Spirit of God--was with them.  It was God's strength in spirit that led them to victory.  Not their own strength.

They lived by 300 that day.

So I've been living by that one percent statistic that my cancer might come back.

But I'm not going to do that anymore.  I'm not going to live by that 99 percent statistic that my cancer won't come back either.

No, if I'm going to live by numbers, I am going to focus on 300.  Because "shin" places my focus squarely on THE ONE who has the strength to bring me victory.

What number are you focusing on?

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