Wednesday, December 6, 2017

FAITH on a steep and curvy road: Advent Week 1 the YNP edition

1 Corinthians 13:13
And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. 
But the greatest of these is love.

This summer, we took our 37-foot fifth wheel camper to Yellowstone National Park, approximately 1,444 miles from our hometown in Texas. We had studied the route for this vacation pretty intensely, but once we hit Wyoming, the mountain road was going to be steep with lots of curves.

I was not prepared, however, for the sleet and snow that would cover those roads. Wasn’t it scary enough that the road was steep and had lots of curves in it? Oh, I was a hot mess.

But there was my husband, Vern. Renewed in the adventure of it. Breathing it all in with excitement. I smiled in wonder at him. So opposite of me. Vern sees such moments as adventures laced with opportunities to grow and learn and LIVE. He faces them head on with confidence. It’s how he does this thing called “life”.

Most of the time, I tend to treat unfamiliar situations that life throws at us as hazards that should be avoided. But once in a while, I open my eyes and see our life as Vern does--the beautiful adventure that it is-- and it takes my breath away. Vern sees that our life’s journey has helped us gain strength as husband and wife. As family. As believers in Jesus Christ. And he sees that even my faith has grown on this steep and curvy road of life.

He sees beauty in the adventure of it. Because he lives by faith. He doesn’t know any other way to live.

The Bible doesn’t tell us anything about how Joseph and Mary faced their life journey. Jesus’ birth would change everything for them—WAS changing everything for them already before He was born. Would they face these adventures with great faith, or would they yelp at every scary unfamiliar turn?

I want to be someone who faces these strange and unfamiliar situations with faith, not fear. With eyes wide open, shoulders back, and chin up. I think that’s why Paul the Apostle lists faith as one of the greatest attributes of a believer. Faith changes our perspective on the steep and curvy road of life. It changes how we see things. Changes how we react to things. Changes us. It can even change those who are around us.

So this Christmas season, I pray that you will see your steep and curvy road for the adventure that it is. A place where faith is born. Where faith grows and changes you and those who are around you. Faith will turn even the most fearful creatures into faith-filled warriors. If it can do that to me, it can certainly do that for you.

Family Time:
  1. Play a game. Pick one person to hide and give them a few moments to go hide. The rest of you split up and try to find the person hiding. When you find them, hide in that spot with them. Eventually, your whole family should be in that hiding spot together. If you want more of a challenge, turn off all the lights in the house and play this game in the dark. The little ones can have flashlights with them or seek the others using a buddy system. After you are all in the hiding place together, talk about how good it feels to be together as a family.
  2. Joseph and Mary had to walk 80 miles to get from their home to Bethlehem. And Mary was about to have a baby! How far have you ever walked in a day? Do you think it was easier for Joseph and Mary because they were together?
  3. How do you think Joseph and Mary felt as they traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem? Do you think God gives us family to bring us courage to do hard things? Why does family help us do hard things?
  4. Do you think the faith Mary and Joseph had in God helped them on this journey? Why or why not?
  5. Have you ever been in a situation that was scary like the steep and curvy mountain road we were on to get to Yellowstone National Park? Did your faith in God help you during that time? How? What are some things you can do to help grow your faith?

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