Thursday, October 12, 2017


The room was stuffed with flowers and people. I was having a hard time deciding which was more beautiful: the flowers or the tear-streaked faces of her loved ones. Chelsie had known the love and devotion of many on this earth and that moved me. But now she was with the very author of love in heaven and that moved me too. For those she had left behind, grief would mingle with joy for a long time to come.

I had been a cancer survivor for a little over 2 years at that point. Chelsie’s cancer journey had hit me hard and I wanted so badly to trade places with her. I felt like I had lived a full life and she had died so young. I knew that wasn’t the way that I should think about it, but it has taken me nearly 3 more years to finally experience peace with the outcome of Chelsie’s cancer journey.

The answer to that struggle was right there in front of me, to be honest with you. I feel silly to have missed it all this time. It was in Chelsie’s favorite verse, Psalm 27:1 written by King David himself:

The Lord is my light and my salvation—
    whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life—
    of whom shall I be afraid?

Fear is a common emotion, even for someone like King David who as a young shepherd boy had killed lions and bears to protect his sheep. Fear saps your energy, steals your joy, distracts you from experiencing peace and certainly makes you feel weak. Just to name a few things fear can do to someone. It certainly has done that to me more than I care to think about, particularly during my cancer journey.

But one thing fear cannot do is exist in the presence of the King of Light and Salvation. He is much too strong for so weak a thing like fear to exist anywhere near Him. What a relief it must be when we are in the presence of the ONE TRUE GOD where we cannot be cheated out of our joy and peace anymore.

And that then, is the truth. To be in His Presence is to experience joy and peace. That’s what Chelsie has now and forever. I wouldn’t want her to trade that for anything. None of us will live a full life here on earth. A fulfilled life can only be had in heaven in the presence of GOD.

I always thought that once I reached this milestone 5-year mark, that I would somehow be free of experiencing fear. My cancer risk is the same as anyone else now. But I have to tell you that I do still experience fear. I think a lot of people assume that once your treatments are over and your hair grows back, that you just keep truckin’ on down the road and don’t think about cancer anymore. Or that hearing about other people getting diagnosed or undergoing cancer treatments doesn’t get those old feelings all stirred up again. Well, I don’t think that’s true for many cancer survivors because in the back of your mind is always that thought about if your cancer will come back. No matter what the statistics tell you.

Well, my cancer may come back. But it may not. So now every day I have to make a choice. Am I going to waste my time and energy thinking about whether or not I will get cancer again, or am I going to dive into the presence of THE LORD where I know I will experience joy and peace?  

Sure would’ve been easier if The Lord had called me home like He did Chelsie. But it’s not my time yet. He still has things for me to do here.

Think I’ll start by having ONE. BIG. PARTY.

I am, after all, a 5 year old who knows how to defeat fear. And that’s something to celebrate!